Energy Efficiency and Technological Innovation: ENTROPY Project

The ENTROPY project aims to design and deploy an innovative IT ecosystem targeting at improving energy efficiency through consumers understanding, engagement and behavioural changes. The focus is given on the collection of energy-related information from heterogeneous data sources, the proper analysis of the available data and the provision of interactive services, applications and serious games to end users for stimulating their interest for energy efficient activities, recommending actions for adopting more energy efficient lifestyles and increasing their overall energy consumption awareness.

The deployed mechanisms and frameworks will be validated and evaluated in real life conditions in three use cases based on publicly owned buildings, namely at: the Navacchio Technology Park close to Pisa in Italy, the technological park and university campus in University of Murcia in Spain and the Technopole in Sierre in Switzerland.

Pilot A – Navacchio Technology Park

Pilot B – University of Murcia Campus

Pilot C – Technopole in Sierre

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