

Accelerat is a deep-tech startup company that provides innovative software solutions for guaranteeing high levels of cyber-security and safety for next-generation cyber-physical systems like autonomous vehicles (e.g., automobiles, trains, drones, .etc.), advanced robots, and factory automation.
Accelerat is a Spin-Off company of the ReTiS Laboratory, one of the world leading research team in the area of real-time embedded systems. As such, Accelerat made a technology transfer effort of more than 350+ worldwide scientific contributions in the field of real-time embedded systems, competences on cyber-physical systems, and a software product called CLARE that integrates cutting-edge mechanisms pioneered by the founders of the company within the last 10 years.


CLARE is a proprietary software stack that allows the integration of multiple software components with different levels of complexity (from AI to low-level control) on the same hardware platform, providing:
– cyber-security, safety, and time-predictability by-design
– a containment of the overall Size, Weight, Power consumption, and Cost (SWaP-C) of the system
– a powerful toolkit with automatic optimisation and intelligent machine verification that drastically simplifies the configuration and integration phase, thus making the technology accessible to everyone

Accelerat srl
Via Mario Giuntini 63 - 56023 Cascina (PI)
Em@il address

Accelerat Social Universe

Graphic design & Web development
Content Strategy
Produzione contenuti multimediali