Sfera Agricola


Sfera Agricola is the biggest and the most innovative greennhouse in Italy.

Sfera started in July 2016 in Tuscany, exactly in Maremma, from a great idea of Luigi Galimberti: to produce vegetables and at the same time innovate the business model, processes and the products of the agricultural sector. And much more, Galimberti was inspired by the increasing problem in agriculture: storms, frosts, droughts.


A great idea: 130.000 SQM covered surface for hydroponic cultivation to produce vegetables without using pesticides, nickel free, more tasty and good, traceable, saving up the 90% of water. 19 million euros in private capital and a 130 employees: a great support for the Maremma.

Sfera is going to become a prototype to start a network of similar structures all over the world.

Sfera Agricola
+39 339 1097152
Em@il address

Sfera Agricola Social Universe

Graphic design & Web development
Content Strategy
Produzione contenuti multimediali