Sistemi Territoriali


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Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. is a company with extensive experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Business Intelligence (BI) and System Integration (SI), with a focus on Big Data, Open Data and Utilities. In particular, in the Utilities sector, it has a consolidated know-how in the field of Gas Distribution and in the management of the Integrated Water System.

Founded in 1991 as a spin-off of the CNR, Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. has always operated in close contact with the academic world. This cultural proximity has favoured the creation of a research and development laboratory for the design and implementation of highly innovative technological products. This activity, which has a high potential within the company, allows it to operate successfully throughout the country in projects of excellence even large and enterprise-level.

Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. is Silver Premium Partner of ESRI Italy since 1994, Partner of SAS since 1996 and adheres to the Technological Pole of Western Tuscany and to the Innovation Pole Calabria Region “Environment and Natural Risks”.

Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. clients belong to both the public and private sectors and are distributed throughout all the country. Moreover, given the high level of achieved competence, specialization and experience, Sistemi Territoriali is often requested by other partner companies to offer unique and high specialized services in the national context.

Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l.
Via Pietro Di Lupo Parra Sud, 144
56021 - Cascina - Loc. San Prospero PI
+39 (0)50 7687.11
Em@il address

Sistemi Territoriali Social Universe

Graphic design & Web development
Content Strategy
Produzione contenuti multimediali