SiteGround Web Solutions & Business Opportunities-20 settembre Polo Tecnologico Navacchio

SiteGround – Web Solutions & Business Opportunities  organized by Unione Nazionale Comunicazione Terziario Avanzato and CNA ICT Pisa.  in collaboration with Polo Tecnologico Navacchio.

20 september- A day dedicated to all companies interested in developing their website and other online activities, using CMS, SEO, Cyber Security and Hosting/Cloud solutions.

Thanks to the collaboration with SiteGround the Companies will acquire information for the perspectives of direct use but also for the development of the business through the SiteGround Network.

At the end of the day, Participants will receive a free Service Set from SiteGround and a basic version of their Company Site, already online and optimized.

Participation is free but with a maximum number of participants.

Registration Format and Program will be communicated in early September.

Graphic design & Web development
Content Strategy
Produzione contenuti multimediali