Smart Home NOW! Polo Tecnologico Navacchio, Thursday 6 October 2016

Smart Home NOW, the Smart Home/Building roadshow born from the collaboration between Innovability and DAIVAI is at Navacchio Techno Park on 6th October 2016, as part of the Internet Festival 2016 (October 6-9).

Smart Home NOW! aims at suggesting new solutions, supporting the consumer and interconnecting the house through new services and business models.

After the three sold-out roadshows in Turin, Bologna and Milan, there will be a significant innovation in Pisa! Andrea Di Benedetto, President of NTP and Vice-President of the Italian CNA, is going to provide NTP conference center for a “contest” of solutions:

“We want to make our Park more ‘smart’ and oriented to the Internet of Things! Beyond renovating the structure, we make it available to demonstrate and validate new technologies which improve the quality of life. A model for ‘smart neighborhood’ to aggregate technology, expertise and innovation around solutions for the smart home/smart building we really need!”.

“In Pisa we invite companies to present solutions which are valid not only for the smart home but also for aggregations of residences, connected buildings, services and shared resources of the future ‘smart city’. Previous events showed the need to create models easily replicable at a local level” says Gianpiero Francavilla, CEO and founder of DAIVAI. “Furthermore, our ambition is to make proven technologies closer to innovative products or services of the Internet of Things, facilitating the integration between traditional installation experiences and new digital skills. In Pisa we are going to meet many companies and professionals who will develop this new in order to make homes and buildings safer, healthier, more comfortable and sustainable”

The admission is free and open to experts in the Smart Home/Building sector, installers, system integrators, designers, developers, local retailers and, in general, to those working to improve the quality of life in residential areas. Click here to partecipate

Smart Home Now! | PISA

October 6, 2016 | ore 9-17

Polo Tecnologico Navacchio

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